Here is the final Spoken Truth ~ Session 5. When I visited my family a few weeks ago, I escaped one evening to watch the sunset in Nags Head, NC. It was pure bliss, and I knew that the footage would work for this session. I have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions, and will do more in the near future. For now, it is time to focus on the Ghastly U.S. Tour. The blog will slow down, only to come back more fresh, pristine, and charged after this miraculous tour that is about to take place. I hope to see you on the road, in the flesh. I Love You All So Dearly! Remember, you are with me at all times! ∞ ~ C.B.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
They just built a pier a block from my apartment, so, I recently took the new East River Ferry for a free spin around the city. It was quite a rush, and absolutely refreshing. Plus, I got some great footage, so I felt compelled to share. I decided to set it to my new drum project, H E A R T ∞ B E A T, featuring Rob H., and myself. I am quite pleased with the sounds we are coming up with. Long time friend and master percussionist, Robert, just moved to NYC from LA. We have been rekindling the flame of the everlasting World Beat. Enjoy! Love To All! ~ C.B.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
G H A S T L Y ∞ T O U R
Most of you probably know that I am a musician. Some may not. But, the truth is, I am here to play music. I have been playing since I was 9. I am now 35. It has always been my calling.
But, 8 years ago, when along a road trip up Route 1, along the Full West Coast of the U.S., from Tijuana, Mexico to Vancouver, Canada, I had a shift in Consciousness. I knew for the first time with absolute certainty that I am here to play music. The decision came to me "readymade." There was no doubt, not even .01%. I knew I had to to move to NYC to play and share music. I recall driving up that coast and thinking ~ I wanna be touring up this coast, playing music, and sharing great times with authentic human beings... well, dreams do turn into reality. Here I Am...
When I am on tour, I am sure this blog will slow down, but it will be a time of building towards bigger adventures, and refreshing insights. I am so grateful that everyone has allowed me into their lives. It is a wonderful experience... I hope to see you on the road.
∞ L O V E ∞ ~ C.B. ∞
Monday, June 13, 2011
F A M I L Y ∞ M E D I T A T I O N
Last week I went home to VA and NC to visit my family. It was a relaxing and pleasant experience, so I wanted to share the way that I view my family. This is what it is like to visit family from my perspective. I hope that we can all take something meaningful out of this playful video. I want you all to know that you are my family too, I Love You! ~ C.B.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Q U E S T I O N ∞ & ∞ A N S W E R
I recently posted this quote that came thru me...
We must first allow Life to be the way it is, fully accepting, allowing, and embracing that Life knows what we need, when we need it. ∞♥∞
This quote seemed to raise a lot of questions, and I felt this question from Al Bailey summed it up really well...
"The HOW to is vital in sharing the what to do. C.B., could you give an example of HOW you reach this experience. The HOW to may be different for each of us; yet breathing is our commonality. Please share how it relates with "Breathing Solutions" for the sake of conversation and our personal growth process. Blessings..."
So, here is my response...
"I was simply referring to accepting the is-ness of any situation that arises in our daily lives. Simply the initial "is-ness." There is great power in this. From there, we can choose wisely. Otherwise, to not accept the initial is-ness, is to react. We will find that when we can learn to "Breathe First," we are no longer the reaction to any given circumstance that occurs in our life situation. When practiced, we will be better equipped to deal with situations as they arise. We will no longer "become the reaction." I am thankful that we are all helping each other here. It is a wonderful experience."
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
∞ A Dark Night's Journey ∞
Into The Dark Night's Journey Of The Soul... Oh I tell you now, you have No~Thing to fear. Nothing. Shine Your Bright Light on this Dark Night. Face the Beast to find it only a mirage and an illusion... Rise above my Dear Friend... it is in You!
L O V E ~ ∞ C.B. ∞
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
∞ L I V I N G ∞ B E I N G ∞
"There is a Universal Life Force that animates and connects us all... and, it can only be known thru direct experience." ~ C.B.
The Earth is a Living Being, which is capable of taking care of itself. Our body is the same, capable of taking care of itself. The mind is designed simply to receive the messages from the Universal Life Force. Let us not destroy our Earth, or our body, by misuse of our mind. Let us allow the mind to be the receptive instrument that it was designed to be. Let us quiet the mind, and relinquish the "little me's" wants and needs, and allow the Universal Life Force to work thru us. When we step out the way, and allow Life to do it's work thru us, we can begin to relax and enjoy all that surrounds us. We can then enjoy our own Presence, and truly be of service to all whom we come in contact with.
L O V E ~ ∞ C.B. ∞
Thursday, May 19, 2011
∞ C O P I N G ∞
I hope everyone is coping well in these times of difficulty. Hopefully, there will be opportunities to deepen our appreciation for Life and all that we do have in this moment. This is the perfect place to start : Every time we catch ourselves upset because something is going "wrong." This is the perfect time to shift our focus on all the things that are going "correct" in our Lives. We will be amazed at the wonder that this simple practice can perform. Allowing ourselves to have gratitude for the multitude of Beautiful people, events, nature, and other amazing occurrences around us at all times... Ever Present! Just take a moment, a breath, to step outside of the stream of negative thought and witness the Beauty that constantly surrounds us. Or, the Beauty of our very selves. Yes, you are Beautiful!
I know it is not easy, but we all somehow find a way. It may, at times, require digging deeper within to locate the Peace. And, in fact, this may likely be why "stress" is occurring in our lives... to "push us into the Peace." But rest assured, it is eternally there (or here, now) waiting for us to discover and pay attention within!
"If we are unhappy because we are not getting what we wish for, it is most likely because we are not grateful for what we already have." ~ C.B.
"To create abundance, be grateful for, and acknowledge the abundance already present in your Life." ~ C.B.
You have my ∞ L O V E ∞ E T E R N A L L Y ∞
~ C.B.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A Call Unto Healing.
I am free from the burden I have placed upon myself to fix me. I accept, I allow. I have relinquished control over my own healing. It is no longer in my hands. For it is not myself whom does the healing. I pass it on to it's rightful owner, Blessed Be Thy Name.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Spoken Truth ~ Session 4.
Spoken Truth ~ Session 4 (out of 5) is yet another contemplative meditation. I use myself as an example of what it is like to be driven by intense desire and how to use that as fuel for our own healing and consciousness. Simply paying attention to, or witnessing, our old behavioral conditioned patterns is a great practice to initiate healing in our own lives. By this means of sharing, we can bring about healing and Peace in each others lives. Love Alwayz ~
∞ C.B. ∞
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
∞ L I V E ∞ Y O U R ∞ D R E A M ∞
If you are completely at ease with where you are/what you are doing in this moment, and not seeking fulfillment in the next moment, or wishing to be somewhere else... If you can truly say "there is nowhere else I would rather be," or "there is nothing else I would rather be doing." Then, rest assure that you are truly living in the present moment, and are exactly where you need to be.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Spoken Truth ~ Session 3.
Spoken Truth ~ Session 3 is another contemplative meditation. I use myself as an example of what it is like to be driven too far by intense desire. I demonstrate the negative effects of over consuming and how it changed my Life in the recent 2 years. I hope to bring about a sense of Peace by simply sharing my own "hitting rock bottom," and how I used it as a springboard to "bounce back." Love Alwayz ∞♥∞ ~ C.B.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Intense Sense of Aliveness.
I woke up this morning with such an intense sense of aliveness. I describe it as the feeling of water flowing through a spring, a well, or a faucet. That is how Life flows thru us. At times it is only trickling out. At other times it is simply gushing out. But, Life is continually flowing thru us. It is truly a matter of how open we are to receiving the Life that wants so badly to openly flow thru us. As I give so freely, I realize that more wants to flow thru me. It feels so great to give generously... That is the Beauty of "giving" being the true gift. You have my Love ~ C.B.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Spoken Truth ~ Session 2.
Continuing in the Spoken Truth fashion... I have recorded 5 so far. Here is session number 2 in the order of succession. I hope to have one come out each week. My goal is to help us find the space of deep Peace that lies within each one of us. A simple meditation to help ground us in the present moment... the only place to discover deep Peace. Love Always, C.B.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Magical Quotes.
If there ever was/is a time to awaken, take a clear look around, this is it.
The essence of the Soul travels in all directions.
When the realization strikes that Life is eternal, there is no rush anymore. Only one thing remains absolutely important... this one moment and aligning ourself in it, no matter what it is. Everything else is only relatively important.
Plunging into the depths of uncertainty, the unknown. With no fear and absolute trust... here in lies the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Simply step out of the way and let it all unfold gracefully.
I can't complain. I am very Peaceful and secure in this crazy world, maintaining my calm in the storm here. Not letting the outside shake me. I am here to see this thing through.
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Great Cycle of Healing.
The reality is, in times of difficulty there is always someone who is there for us. Someone we care about, that can lend an open, nonjudgmental ear with compassion. This person may play a vital role in restoring our well being. Then, when we are restored to our well being, we can return the favor by becoming that someone who helps the next person in need of great healing. Receive and pass it on... The great cycle of healing.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Spoken Truth
I wanted to try something a little different. A spoken word of sorts, similar to a podcast, w/ a few extra visuals. Simply another meditative and contemplative technique. I hope this resonates with you, and that you enjoy. I am sending this in hopes to ground you deeper, and plant you firmer into the present moment. I want you to know that from the depths of my Heart and who I am, I Love You! ~ C.B.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Getting to fully understand me.
It was not until 3 years after my Life changing surgery that I had a true shift in consciousness. Call it an awakening, call it a gift, it does not matter because I was truly changed after this trip. I knew for the first time with 100% certainty what I had to do. There was no doubt what so ever... not even .00000001%. The decision came "readymade."
Monday, March 21, 2011
These Quotes Flow Thru Me.
Don't let negative thoughts and emotions take us for a spin, like a wild horse carrying an empty chariot, dragging us through the mud, all out of control.
You bring a smile to my face.
Forces beyond our control are keeping us free.
A sense of understanding that words could never touch.
These quotes flow thru me. They occur spontaneously and arrive directly from the Source of all Being.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Getting to know me a little bit better.
10 years ago this time, I had to make a quick decision. This one choice changed the direction of my whole Life. Although I did not realize it @ the time, it was an opening into Being. I have been wanting to share my story for years. Now is the time. It wasn't until 3 years later that the true shift in consciousness occurred... stay tuned for Life Changes II for the final conclusion. Thank you so much for tuning in... I Love You! ~ C.B.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Until the egoic structure of our mind is fully diminished, and the transcendent dimension of our Consciousness is fully applied, our lives will continue in a perpetual cycle of dysfunction.
Ego is the source of every problem. Are we running the mind, or is the mind running us?
Reap the fruits of clarity and awareness... allowing, accepting, understanding, never in conflict.
Build Life from a sense of abundance, not lack. Appreciate the fullness of Life that always surrounds us. Simply taking a look around and exit the stream of thought that pretends to be so important and dominates us.
If I make you feel good, then great! It is only a mirrored reflection of yourself that you recognize in me.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Creating Space for Peace.
Just a simple little meditation for grounding you back into the present moment. I offer a chance to create some space in your Life, so that Peace and Tranquility may enter in. Apply as often as needed, whenever it is necessary. No stress, no strain, just simple present moment awareness of all Life that surrounds us. You have my Love. C.B. ~ ♥
Friday, March 4, 2011
Be kind to each other. Give freely and share from the Heart. Give the gift of who you are to the Loved ones around you.
It is more about the realization that you are connected to everything, not separate. This only works as a direct experience, not as a concept. Concepts block true reality.
I simply step out of the way so that the Light of Consciousness may shine thru me.
The best gift we could ever possibly receive is to be able to give and share freely with others.
Being charged with a sense of aliveness. No substitutes necessary.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Why is this happening to us?
If we are paying attention to the world around us, (and more importantly the world within us) we will clearly see that we are all facing our tough challenges. It is not easy and no one escapes. We are all being forced to look deeper inside and find what it is we have to offer the world. If we are having to suffer great loss or limitation at the moment, it may be because we are being forced into finding that which is within us. That which we are destined to share with the world.
I offer Spiritual Therapy/Teaching.
I am readily available to give to those whom are ready to receive. I offer Spiritual Therapy, Consultations, Teaching, and Emotional Healing over the phone, through FB chats, or on skype. If you are in NYC, I can be reached in person. I'm available by donation. To set up an appointment, simply email or call. Donations can be made payable thru paypal ~ Thank you for your support! You have my Love, always ♥ ~ C.B. Houck
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