Tuesday, May 31, 2011

∞ A Dark Night's Journey ∞

Into The Dark Night's Journey Of The Soul... Oh I tell you now, you have No~Thing to fear. Nothing. Shine Your Bright Light on this Dark Night. Face the Beast to find it only a mirage and an illusion... Rise above my Dear Friend... it is in You! 

L O V E  ~ ∞ C.B. ∞

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

∞ L I V I N G ∞ B E I N G ∞

"There is a Universal Life Force that animates and connects us all... and, it can only be known thru direct experience." ~ C.B.

The Earth is a Living Being, which is capable of taking care of itself. Our body is the same, capable of taking care of itself. The mind is designed simply to receive the messages from the Universal Life Force. Let us not destroy our Earth, or our body, by misuse of our mind. Let us allow the mind to be the receptive instrument that it was designed to be. Let us quiet the mind, and relinquish the "little me's" wants and needs, and allow the Universal Life Force to work thru us. When we step out the way, and allow Life to do it's work thru us, we can begin to relax and enjoy all that surrounds us. We can then enjoy our own Presence, and truly be of service to all whom we come in contact with.

L O V E ~ ∞ C.B. ∞

Thursday, May 19, 2011

∞ C O P I N G ∞

I hope everyone is coping well in these times of difficulty. Hopefully, there will be opportunities to deepen our appreciation for Life and all that we do have in this moment. This is the perfect place to start : Every time we catch ourselves upset because something is going "wrong." This is the perfect time to shift our focus on all the things that are going "correct" in our Lives. We will be amazed at the wonder that this simple practice can perform. Allowing ourselves to have gratitude for the multitude of Beautiful people, events, nature, and other amazing occurrences around us at all times... Ever Present! Just take a moment, a breath, to step outside of the stream of negative thought and witness the Beauty that constantly surrounds us. Or, the Beauty of our very selves. Yes, you are Beautiful! 

I know it is not easy, but we all somehow find a way. It may, at times, require digging deeper within to locate the Peace. And, in fact, this may likely be why "stress" is occurring in our lives... to "push us into the Peace." But rest assured, it is eternally there (or here, now) waiting for us to discover and pay attention within!

"If we are unhappy because we are not getting what we wish for, it is most likely because we are not grateful for what we already have." ~ C.B.

"To create abundance, be grateful for, and acknowledge the abundance already present in your Life." ~ C.B.

You have my ∞ L O V E ∞  E T E R N A L L Y ∞
~ C.B.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Call Unto Healing.

I am free from the burden I have placed upon myself to fix me. I accept, I allow. I have relinquished control over my own healing. It is no longer in my hands. For it is not myself whom does the healing. I pass it on to it's rightful owner, Blessed Be Thy Name.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spoken Truth ~ Session 4.

Spoken Truth ~ Session 4 (out of 5) is yet another contemplative meditation. I use myself as an example of what it is like to be driven by intense desire and how to use that as fuel for our own healing and consciousness. Simply paying attention to, or witnessing, our old behavioral conditioned patterns is a great practice to initiate healing in our own lives. By this means of sharing, we can bring about healing and Peace in each others lives. Love Alwayz ~ 
∞ C.B. ∞

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

∞ L I V E ∞ Y O U R ∞ D R E A M ∞

If you are completely at ease with where you are/what you are doing in this moment, and not seeking fulfillment in the next moment, or wishing to be somewhere else... If you can truly say "there is nowhere else I would rather be," or "there is nothing else I would rather be doing." Then, rest assure that you are truly living in the present moment, and are exactly where you need to be.